Boeingu 737-800 zakazala je oprema za slijetanje, možda zbog udara ptice, nagađa novinska agencija Yonhap. Pilot navodno u prvom pokušaju nije uspio sletjeti pa je pokušao podići zrakoplov i pokušati ponovo
A Boeing 737-800 passenger plane crashed in South Korea, killing at least 62 people. The plane skidded off the runway at Muan International Airport and slammed into a building.
The incident may have been caused by equipment malfunction during landing, possibly due to a bird strike. The pilot attempted to abort the landing and go around, but the plane ultimately crashed.
A Boeing 737-800 passenger plane crashed in South Korea, killing at least 62 people. The plane skidded off the runway at Muan International Airport and slammed into a building. The incident may have been caused by equipment malfunction during landing, possibly due to a bird strike. The pilot attempted to abort the landing and go around, but the plane ultimately crashed.